Charity Science donations received

This is an online portal with information on donations that were announced publicly (or have been shared with permission) that were of interest to Vipul Naik. The git repository with the code for this portal, as well as all the underlying data, is available on GitHub. All payment amounts are in current United States dollars (USD). The repository of donations is being seeded with an initial collation by Issa Rice as well as continued contributions from him (see his commits and the contract work page listing all financially compensated contributions to the site) but all responsibility for errors and inaccuracies belongs to Vipul Naik. Current data is preliminary and has not been completely vetted and normalized; if sharing a link to this site or any page on this site, please include the caveat that the data is preliminary (if you want to share without including caveats, please check with Vipul Naik). We expect to have completed the first round of development by the end of July 2025. See the about page for more details. Also of interest: pageview data on, tutorial in README, request for feedback to EA Forum.

Table of contents

Basic donee information

Country Canada
Facebook page charityscience1
Twitter usernamecharity_science
Org Watch page
Launch date2013-05

Donee donation statistics

Cause areaCountMedianMeanMinimum10th percentile 20th percentile 30th percentile 40th percentile 50th percentile 60th percentile 70th percentile 80th percentile 90th percentile Maximum
Overall 11 143 510 0 92 100 108 110 143 286 398 398 1,591 2,386
Effective altruism 8 286 662 0 0 92 143 286 286 398 398 1,591 2,386 2,386
1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
FIXME 2 108 109 108 108 108 108 108 108 110 110 110 110 110

Donation amounts by donor and year for donee Charity Science

Donor Total 2016 2015
Kieran Greig (filter this donee) 2,386.26 0.00 2,386.26
Carol Thomas (filter this donee) 1,590.84 1,590.84 0.00
Cliff Cameron (filter this donee) 795.42 397.71 397.71
Cornelis Haupt (filter this donee) 429.53 286.35 143.18
Michael Dello-Iacovo (filter this donee) 217.60 0.00 217.60
Aaron Gertler (filter this donee) 100.00 0.00 100.00
Larissa Hesketh-Rowe (filter this donee) 92.02 92.02 0.00
EA Giving Group (filter this donee) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 5,611.67 2,366.92 3,244.75

Full list of documents in reverse chronological order (5 documents)

Title (URL linked)Publication dateAuthorPublisherAffected donorsAffected doneesAffected influencersDocument scopeCause areaNotes
EA Giving Tuesday Donation Matching Initiative 2018 Retrospective (GW, IR)2019-01-06Avi Norowitz Effective Altruism ForumAvi Norowitz William Kiely Against Malaria Foundation Malaria Consortium GiveWell Effective Altruism Funds Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters Effective Animal Advocacy Fund The Humane League The Good Food Institute Animal Charity Evaluators Machine Intelligence Research Institute Faunalytics Wild-Aniaml Suffering Research GiveDirectly Center for Applied Rationality Effective Altruism Foundation Cool Earth Schistosomiasis Control Initiative New Harvest Evidence Action Centre for Effective Altruism Animal Equality Compassion in World Farming USA Innovations for Poverty Action Global Catastrophic Risk Institute Future of Life Institute Animal Charity Evaluators Recommended Charity Fund Sightsavers The Life You Can Save One Step for Animals Helen Keller International 80,000 Hours Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative Vegan Outreach Encompass Iodine Global Network Otwarte Klatki Charity Science Mercy For Animals Coalition for Rainforest Nations Fistula Foundation Sentience Institute Better Eating International Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research Raising for Effective Giving Clean Air Task Force The END Fund Miscellaneous commentaryThe blog post describes an effort by a number of donors coordinated at to donate through Facebook right after the start of donation matching on Giving Tuesday. Based on timestamps of donations and matches, donations were matched till 14 seconds after the start of matching. Despite the very short time window of matching, the post estimates that $469,000 (65%) of the donations made were matched
Introducing CEA’s Guiding Principles2017-03-07William MacAskill Centre for Effective AltruismEffective Altruism Foundation Rethink Charity Centre for Effective Altruism 80,000 Hours Animal Charity Evaluators Charity Science Effective Altruism Foundation Foundational Research Institute Future of Life Institute Raising for Effective Giving The Life You Can Save Miscellaneous commentaryEffective altruismWillam MacAskill outlines CEA's understanding of the guiding principles of effective altruism: commitment to others, scientific mindset, openness, integrity, and collaborative spirit. The post also lists other organizations that voice their support for these definitions and guiding principles, including: .impact, 80,000 Hours, Animal Charity Evaluators, Charity Science, Effective Altruism Foundation, Foundational Research Institute, Future of Life Institute, Raising for Effective Giving, and The Life You Can Save. The following individuals are also listed as voicing their support for the definition and guiding principles: Elie Hassenfeld of GiveWell and the Open Philanthropy Project, Holden Karnofsky of GiveWell and the Open Philanthropy Project, Toby Ord of the Future of Humanity Institute, Nate Soares of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, and Peter Singer. William MacAskill worked on the document with Julia Wise, and also expresses gratitude to Rob Bensinger and Hilary Mayhew for their comments and wording suggestions. The post also briefly mentions an advisory panel set up by Julia Wise, and links to (GW, IR) for more detail
Where should you donate to have the most impact during giving season 2015?2015-12-24Robert Wiblin 80,000 Hours Against Malaria Foundation Giving What We Can GiveWell AidGrade Effective Altruism Outreach Animal Charity Evaluators Machine Intelligence Research Institute Raising for Effective Giving Center for Applied Rationality Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Ploughshares Fund Future of Humanity Institute Future of Life Institute Centre for the Study of Existential Risk Charity Science Deworm the World Initiative Schistosomiasis Control Initiative GiveDirectly Evaluator consolidated recommendation listGlobal health and development|Effective altruism/movement growth|Epistemic institutions|Biosecurity and pandemic preparedness|AI risk|Global catastrophic risksRobert Wiblin draws on GiveWell recommendations, Animal Charity Evaluators recommendations, Open Philanthropy Project writeups, staff donation writeups and suggestions, as well as other sources (including personal knowledge and intuitions) to come up with a list of places to donate
Where the ACE Staff Members Are Giving and Why2015-12-21Leah Edgerton Animal Charity EvaluatorsJon Bockman Allison Smith Erika Alonso Jacy Reese Kieran Grieg Animal Charity Evaluators Vegan Outreach Mercy For Animals Direct Action Everywhere The Humane League Animal Equality Farm Sanctuary The Humane Society of the United States Animal Equality Nonhuman Rights Project New Harvest Charity Science Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Raising for Effective Giving Periodic donation list documentationAnimal welfare|Global health and development|Effective altruismAnimal Charity Evaluators (ACE) staff describe where they donated or plan to donate in 2015. Donation amounts are not disclosed, likely by policy
My Cause Selection: Michael Dickens2015-09-15Michael Dickens Effective Altruism ForumMichael Dickens Machine Intelligence Research Institute Future of Humanity Institute Centre for the Study of Existential Risk Future of Life Institute Open Philanthropy Animal Charity Evaluators Animal Ethics Foundational Research Institute Giving What We Can Charity Science Raising for Effective Giving Single donation documentationAnimal welfare,AI risk,Effective altruismExplanation by Dickens of giving choice for 2015. After some consideration, narrows choice to three orgs: MIRI, ACE, and REG. Finally chooses REG due to weighted donation multiplier

Full list of donations in reverse chronological order (11 donations)

Graph of top 10 donors (for donations with known year of donation) by amount, showing the timeframe of donations

Graph of donations and their timeframes
DonorAmount (current USD)Amount rank (out of 11)Donation dateCause areaURLInfluencerNotes
Carol Thomas1,590.8422016Effective altruism/movement growth Currency info: donation given as 2,000.00 CAD (conversion done on 2017-08-05 via
Larissa Hesketh-Rowe92.02102016Effective altruism/movement growth Currency info: donation given as 70.00 GBP (conversion done on 2017-08-05 via
Cornelis Haupt286.3552016Effective altruism/movement growth Currency info: donation given as 360.00 CAD (conversion done on 2017-08-05 via
Cliff Cameron397.7132016Effective altruism/movement growth Currency info: donation given as 500.00 CAD (conversion done on 2017-08-05 via
Michael Dello-Iacovo107.6082015-12-18FIXME Currency info: donation given as 151.00 AUD (conversion done on 2015-12-18 via; affected regions: FIXME; affected countries: FIXME.
Michael Dello-Iacovo110.0072015-12FIXME Christmas gifts. Affected regions: FIXME; affected countries: FIXME.
Aaron Gertler100.0092015-02-20-- Annual matching fundraiser.
EA Giving Group----2015Effective altruism/movement growth Beckstead Actual date range: December 2014 to December 2015. Exact date, amount, or fraction not known, but it is the donee with the third highest amount donated out of eight donees in this period.
Kieran Greig2,386.2612015Effective altruism/movement growth Currency info: donation given as 3,000.00 CAD (conversion done on 2017-08-05 via
Cornelis Haupt143.1862015Effective altruism/movement growth Currency info: donation given as 180.00 CAD (conversion done on 2017-08-05 via
Cliff Cameron397.7132015Effective altruism/movement growth Currency info: donation given as 500.00 CAD (conversion done on 2017-08-05 via