Conservation International Foundation donations received

This is an online portal with information on donations that were announced publicly (or have been shared with permission) that were of interest to Vipul Naik. The git repository with the code for this portal, as well as all the underlying data, is available on GitHub. All payment amounts are in current United States dollars (USD). The repository of donations is being seeded with an initial collation by Issa Rice as well as continued contributions from him (see his commits and the contract work page listing all financially compensated contributions to the site) but all responsibility for errors and inaccuracies belongs to Vipul Naik. Current data is preliminary and has not been completely vetted and normalized; if sharing a link to this site or any page on this site, please include the caveat that the data is preliminary (if you want to share without including caveats, please check with Vipul Naik). We expect to have completed the first round of development by the end of July 2024. See the about page for more details. Also of interest: pageview data on, tutorial in README, request for feedback to EA Forum.

Table of contents

Basic donee information


Donee donation statistics

Cause areaCountMedianMeanMinimum10th percentile 20th percentile 30th percentile 40th percentile 50th percentile 60th percentile 70th percentile 80th percentile 90th percentile Maximum
Overall 22 2,500,000 6,762,436 -229,769 10,000 245,000 350,000 496,793 2,500,000 5,725,000 10,004,586 16,208,278 20,872,382 21,319,202
Agriculture 7 435,488 1,933,532 -229,769 0 0 338,741 338,741 435,488 496,793 496,793 2,500,000 10,004,586 10,004,586
12 8,915,911 11,209,157 10,000 1,010,000 3,884,778 4,214,881 5,725,000 8,915,911 16,208,278 18,640,917 20,872,382 20,989,768 21,319,202
FIXME 3 245,000 243,000 134,000 134,000 134,000 134,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000

Donation amounts by donor and year for donee Conservation International Foundation

Donor Total 2016 2015 2014 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Walton Family Foundation (filter this donee) 134,509,880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,658,644.00 16,208,278.00 18,640,917.00 20,989,768.00 20,872,382.00 21,319,202.00 8,915,911.00 3,884,778.00 1,010,000.00 10,000.00
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (filter this donee) 13,534,721.00 -229,769.00 2,500,000.00 0.00 10,004,586.00 485,675.00 338,741.00 435,488.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ford Foundation (filter this donee) 379,000.00 0.00 0.00 245,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Barr Foundation (filter this donee) 350,000.00 0.00 350,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 148,773,601.00 -229,769.00 2,850,000.00 245,000.00 32,663,230.00 16,693,953.00 18,979,658.00 21,559,256.00 20,872,382.00 21,319,202.00 8,915,911.00 3,884,778.00 1,010,000.00 10,000.00

Full list of documents in reverse chronological order (0 documents)

There are no documents associated with this donee.

Full list of donations in reverse chronological order (22 donations)

Graph of top 10 donors (for donations with known year of donation) by amount, showing the timeframe of donations

Graph of donations and their timeframes
DonorAmount (current USD)Amount rank (out of 22)Donation dateCause areaURLInfluencerNotes
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-229,769.00222016-06-24Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to develop a monitoring system to collect and analyze data on the environmental impacts of agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,500,000.00122015-09-09Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management for general operating support. General Operating Support. Investment start date: 9/9/2015 to end date: 10/1/2017. Grantee name: Conservation International Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Barr Foundation350,000.00162015-03-02FIXME To implement Vital Signs at national scale in Kenya in order to provide near-real-time data and risk-management tools that guide sustainable agricultural and ensure healthy and resilient livelihoods, biodiversity, and ecosystems in the face of climate change.
Ford Foundation245,000.00182014-11-01FIXME To produce a comparative analysis of illegal mining in Colombia to identify its driving forces and impacts, and develop policy recommendations to manage the related socio-environmental conflict. Affected regions: 231###Colombia###100; 9177456###No Intention@@@9177416###Indigenous@@@9177888###Black or African American; Andean Region; affected countries: FIXME.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation10,004,586.0072012-02-14Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to develop a monitoring system to collect and analyze data on the environmental impacts of agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Walton Family Foundation5,725,000.0092012--
Walton Family Foundation4,214,881.00102012--
Walton Family Foundation12,718,763.0062012--
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-11,118.00212011-08-18Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to develop an operational strategy for measuring natural resource indicators. Metrics for Ecosystem Services. Investment start date: 10/26/2009 to end date: 2/15/2011. Grantee name: Conservation International Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation496,793.00142011-06-06Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to support the examination of the diversity and prevalence of Madagascar’s community-based mechanisms for managing agricultural risk and test their effectiveness; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: Madagascar.
Walton Family Foundation16,208,278.0052011--
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation338,741.00172010-11-09Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to develop an operational strategy for measuring natural resource indicators. Metrics for Ecosystem Services. Investment start date: 10/26/2009 to end date: 2/15/2011. Grantee name: Conservation International Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Walton Family Foundation18,640,917.0042010--
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation435,488.00152009-10-26Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to develop an operational strategy for measuring natural resource indicators. Metrics for Ecosystem Services. Investment start date: 10/26/2009 to end date: 2/15/2011. Grantee name: Conservation International Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Ford Foundation134,000.00192009-07-01FIXME For the grant-making, training and technical assistance programs of the Skeppies Fund, a conservation-development partnership to improve livelihoods in South Africa's Northern Cape Province. Affected regions: 728###Northern Cape Province###100; 9177456###No Intention@@@; Southern Africa; affected countries: FIXME.
Walton Family Foundation20,989,768.0022009--
Walton Family Foundation20,872,382.0032008--
Walton Family Foundation21,319,202.0012007--
Walton Family Foundation8,915,911.0082006--
Walton Family Foundation3,884,778.00112005--
Walton Family Foundation1,010,000.00132004--
Walton Family Foundation10,000.00202003--