University of Washington donations received

This is an online portal with information on donations that were announced publicly (or have been shared with permission) that were of interest to Vipul Naik. The git repository with the code for this portal, as well as all the underlying data, is available on GitHub. All payment amounts are in current United States dollars (USD). The repository of donations is being seeded with an initial collation by Issa Rice as well as continued contributions from him (see his commits and the contract work page listing all financially compensated contributions to the site) but all responsibility for errors and inaccuracies belongs to Vipul Naik. Current data is preliminary and has not been completely vetted and normalized; if sharing a link to this site or any page on this site, please include the caveat that the data is preliminary (if you want to share without including caveats, please check with Vipul Naik). We expect to have completed the first round of development by the end of July 2025. See the about page for more details. Also of interest: pageview data on, tutorial in README, request for feedback to EA Forum.

Table of contents

Basic donee information

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Donee donation statistics

Cause areaCountMedianMeanMinimum10th percentile 20th percentile 30th percentile 40th percentile 50th percentile 60th percentile 70th percentile 80th percentile 90th percentile Maximum
Overall 384 249,000 2,027,513 -3,155,574 500 40,000 82,500 149,040 249,000 400,000 637,997 1,127,589 2,628,356 210,000,000
Global health 138 586,851 4,494,845 -3,155,574 0 68,648 100,000 262,115 586,851 1,000,000 1,489,928 2,631,442 5,628,811 210,000,000
Education 47 150,000 843,422 -22,893 500 1,562 5,000 26,000 150,000 296,105 428,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 15,000,000
Family planning 5 100,000 163,444 -2,981 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 220,598 220,598 499,692 499,692
Nutrition 7 108,295 446,371 -1,444 0 0 100,000 100,000 108,295 637,997 637,997 1,073,950 1,206,616 1,206,616
Population 4 100,000 2,682,324 -1,390 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 611,554 611,554 10,019,132 10,019,132 10,019,132
Information and communication technology (ICT) 10 500,000 1,405,012 -588 0 145,057 380,289 438,628 500,000 1,000,000 1,127,589 1,250,000 1,250,000 7,959,142
Culture and recreation 9 500,000 1,425,988 -588 0 145,057 349,996 380,289 500,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 7,959,142 7,959,142
52 67,962 151,227 -318 7,113 15,000 30,800 54,590 67,962 99,118 138,500 151,083 200,000 1,669,052
Agriculture 4 75,537 1,313,828 -223 0 0 75,537 75,537 75,537 600,000 600,000 4,580,000 4,580,000 4,580,000
Social Protection 1 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Higher Education 4 31,538 189,027 6,800 6,800 6,800 31,538 31,538 31,538 45,987 45,987 671,781 671,781 671,781
Past Programs 32 300,000 290,750 15,000 50,000 90,000 170,000 250,000 300,000 360,000 395,000 420,000 495,000 650,000
Diversity 2 15,000 157,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
Digital Technology 5 124,370 556,169 19,975 19,975 19,975 36,500 36,500 124,370 124,370 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Sustainable Public Finance 1 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204 25,204
Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities 30 175,000 283,367 30,000 42,000 54,000 75,000 150,000 175,000 225,000 262,000 400,000 650,000 1,257,100
Scholarly Communications 3 682,000 657,333 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 682,000 682,000 682,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000
Journalism, Technology 1 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
FIXME 5 225,000 196,132 55,660 55,660 55,660 150,000 150,000 225,000 225,000 250,000 250,000 300,000 300,000
Science and Technology 5 200,000 294,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Other 1 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000
Working Longer 1 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
AI safety 2 200,000 465,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 730,000 730,000 730,000 730,000 730,000
Arts and Cultural Heritage 2 300,000 525,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000
Financial policy and administrative management 2 368,000 1,048,190 368,000 368,000 368,000 368,000 368,000 368,000 1,728,380 1,728,380 1,728,380 1,728,380 1,728,380
Evidence-Based Policy 4 450,771 1,017,185 386,173 386,173 386,173 450,771 450,771 450,771 590,676 590,676 2,641,118 2,641,118 2,641,118
Criminal justice reform 2 437,475 2,189,608 437,475 437,475 437,475 437,475 437,475 437,475 3,941,740 3,941,740 3,941,740 3,941,740 3,941,740
Disabiliy assistance 1 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728 717,728
Character Virtue Development 1 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500 862,500
Scientific research 3 10,000,000 7,837,175 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 12,511,524 12,511,524 12,511,524 12,511,524

Donation amounts by donor and year for donee University of Washington

Donor Total 2021 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1984 1983 1982 1980 1977 1975 1973 1972
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (filter this donee) 724,672,884.07 0.00 10,042,742.48 48,323,459.30 265,307,893.22 66,810,415.92 28,176,611.00 38,899,058.54 6,012,193.98 19,495,262.12 2,208,150.02 35,580,598.27 24,173,083.22 169,478,910.00 10,164,506.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (filter this donee) 21,230,000.00 0.00 650,000.00 225,000.00 475,000.00 1,622,600.00 750,000.00 0.00 2,221,300.00 175,000.00 2,098,100.00 291,000.00 158,000.00 55,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,165,000.00 460,000.00 1,507,000.00 110,000.00 1,455,000.00 609,000.00 685,000.00 1,080,000.00 400,000.00 635,000.00 600,000.00 700,000.00 600,000.00 340,000.00 0.00 0.00 910,000.00 170,000.00 200,000.00 225,000.00 88,000.00 250,000.00 30,000.00 150,000.00 40,000.00
Arnold Ventures (filter this donee) 13,194,532.00 0.00 0.00 590,676.00 836,944.00 9,082,858.00 437,475.00 2,025,204.00 0.00 221,375.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hewlett Foundation (filter this donee) 4,426,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 1,200,000.00 0.00 1,070,000.00 0.00 0.00 856,000.00 600,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
W. K. Kellogg Foundation (filter this donee) 4,242,171.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 630,037.00 1,669,052.00 0.00 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,496,082.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sloan Foundation (filter this donee) 3,636,951.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,224,370.00 56,475.00 45,987.00 1,500,000.00 100,000.00 671,781.00 6,800.00 31,538.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Smith Richardson Foundation (filter this donee) 1,371,543.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 325,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 230,559.00 148,722.00 100,000.00 0.00 206,462.00 147,300.00 93,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Walton Family Foundation (filter this donee) 1,329,157.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 223,924.00 104,150.00 201,083.00 150,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
John Templeton Foundation (filter this donee) 862,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 862,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Open Philanthropy (filter this donee) 730,000.00 730,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (filter this donee) 717,728.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 717,728.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MacArthur Foundation (filter this donee) 700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation (filter this donee) 651,113.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165,000.00 165,000.00 170,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 106,113.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Barr Foundation (filter this donee) 225,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 225,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
John M. Olin Foundation (filter this donee) 201,207.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92,917.00 63,290.00 45,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Future of Life Institute (filter this donee) 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earhart Foundation (filter this donee) 68,587.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 22,115.00 7,114.00 14,226.00 5,132.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wellcome Trust (filter this donee) 55,660.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55,660.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Knight Foundation (filter this donee) 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 778,565,033.07 730,000.00 10,892,742.48 50,389,135.30 268,779,904.22 81,229,128.92 29,710,073.00 43,661,762.54 9,563,417.98 21,267,568.12 4,839,133.02 36,253,136.27 24,391,083.22 169,958,910.00 10,879,506.00 400,559.00 498,722.00 1,315,000.00 460,000.00 1,863,462.00 257,300.00 1,568,500.00 661,115.00 697,114.00 1,094,226.00 417,132.00 635,000.00 600,000.00 700,000.00 600,000.00 477,917.00 169,403.00 45,000.00 910,000.00 170,000.00 1,696,082.00 225,000.00 88,000.00 250,000.00 30,000.00 150,000.00 40,000.00

Full list of documents in reverse chronological order (0 documents)

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Full list of donations in reverse chronological order (384 donations)

Graph of top 10 donors (for donations with known year of donation) by amount, showing the timeframe of donations

Graph of donations and their timeframes
DonorAmount (current USD)Amount rank (out of 384)Donation dateCause areaURLInfluencerNotes
Open Philanthropy730,000.001082021-10AI safety/technical research Intended use of funds (category): Direct project expenses

Intended use of funds: Grant to "support early-career research by Ludwig Schmidt on adversarial robustness as a means to improve AI safety."

Other notes: Intended funding timeframe in months: 36.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,594,082.00272018-12-18Global health/infectious disease control to support structure based immunogen design for next-generation vaccines. Structure based immunogen design I: Institute for Protein Design. Investment start date: 11/4/2016 to end date: 10/31/2023. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,301,192.00642018-11-19Global health/infectious disease control to expand the evidence base for effective policymaking in health by substantially improving the spatial and temporal resolution at which we can map, and therefore track, major global health challenges, including the major causes of under-5 mortality; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,409,920.00422018-10-24Global health/malaria to evaluate novel formulations of primaquine for the treatment of P. vivax malaria; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation586,851.001232018-10-22Global health/infectious disease control to develop mobile phone rapid diagnostic test interpretation algorithms, as well as, investigating new holistic sensing approaches for using mobile phone sensors for screening and diagnosis of disease; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation650,000.001132018-09-06Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Hewlett Foundation200,000.002032018-08-24Science and Technology/Cyber For Support Of The Tech Policy Lab.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation368,000.001622018-07-31Financial policy and administrative management to create a research and development conduit for high quality research of technology in the digital financial services market and development of technology tools and applications for addressing pain points in the digital financial services landscape; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South & Central Asia|South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-176,631.583802018-05-25Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to support research into products which provide both contraception and HIV prevention to women; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara|South & Central Asia.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation923,475.00982018-05-09Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to determine whether community-based ART delivery is more effective, safe, acceptable, and cost-effective than clinic ART delivery; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-88.943532018-04-25Family planning to inform programmatic action through the development of a research program that scientifically justifies and empirically evaluates a model for fertility transitions and a role for family planning behavioral change; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,035,943.00832018-04-16Global health/infectious disease control to provide information on the structure and conformational dynamics of antigens that may lead to improved vaccine designs by illuminating the structural properties that correlate with antigenicity and potentially immunogenicity; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation450,000.001432017-12-15Global health/Tuberculosis control to foster greater innovation, collaboration and coordination within the TB vaccine landscape.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation258,915.001862017-11-29Global health/infectious disease control to stimulate the development of a new therapeutic for cryptosporidium. Screening an antiparasitic focus library for Cryptosporidium. Investment start date: 9/16/2016 to end date: 12/31/2018. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation244,934.001942017-11-28Global health/infectious disease control to update Global Burden of Disease Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) estimates for typhoid fever based on incremental risk associated with chronic carriage of typhoid and associated complications, including gall bladder cancer.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,488,305.00282017-11-27Global health/infectious disease control to create high-resolution maps of immunization coverage for key vaccines across space and time in the 94 countries covered under the Decade of Vaccines Initiative; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432017-11-21Global health/basic health care to improve integration and modeling of child health and mortality data to enable better decision making at the global, national, and local levels; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,742,155.00342017-11-20Global health/basic health care To support the creation of a report which estimates the annual spending on primary health care in 132 low- and middle-income countries from 2000 through 2015, and the impact this spending has had on disease burden, estimate total health expenditure for al; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation489,128.001402017-11-09Global health/basic health care to validate the need for future non-human primate or human efficacy trials for a low cost neuroprotective agent that will treat encephalopathic newborns in low-resource settings; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,235,963.00732017-11-08Global health/infectious disease control to support structure based immunogen design for next-generation vaccines. Structure based immunogen design I: Institute for Protein Design. Investment start date: 11/4/2016 to end date: 10/31/2023. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,270,804.00662017-10-25Global health/infectious disease control to support work refining the geographic resolution at which key emerging infectious diseases are considered, integrating newly developed spatially resolved data related to factors driving subsequent secondary transmission, and creating novel visualization; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Middle East|South & Central Asia|Africa.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation901,133.00992017-10-13Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to develop an injectable formulation of Tenofovir Alafenamide that could provide 6 - 12 months protection against HIV infection for low-income, at-risk women in low-resource settings; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation400,341.001512017-10-12Global health/infectious disease control to develop mobile phone rapid diagnostic test interpretation algorithms, as well as, investigating new holistic sensing approaches for using mobile phone sensors for screening and diagnosis of disease; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-287,500.003812017-10-11Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to test the Nearest Neighbor immunogen hypothesis and could lead to significantly improved next generation HIV-1 Env vaccine candidates; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,250,000.00682017-10-09Culture and recreation to provide general operating support to further develop the platform into a useful data and advocacy hub for the public library field; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,250,000.00682017-10-09Information and communication technology (ICT) to provide general operating support to further develop the platform into a useful data and advocacy hub for the public library field; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Hewlett Foundation200,000.002032017-10-09Science and Technology/Cyber For Support Of The Tech Policy Lab.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation752,437.001022017-10-05Global health/Health policy and administrative management to explore innovative and cost-effective ways to regularly capture tobacco use and attitudinal data in Africa; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Africa.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation62,198.002842017-09-27Global health/malaria to evaluate novel formulations of primaquine for the treatment of P. vivax malaria; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation50,000.002932017-09-25Global health/infectious disease control to assess novel, low cost nucleic acid detection technologies for use in low resource settings; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,109,135.28782017-09-19Global health/basic health care to assess the impact of incorporating virtual reality technology in trainings on health worker performance of neonatal resuscitation, and explore implications for the use of VR technology for health worker learning more broadly.; Aid type: Other technical assistance. Affected countries: Kenya|Nigeria.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432017-09-15Education/Higher education to contribute to the Kellye Y. Testy Endowed Professorship in Law. Kellye Y. Testy Endowed Professorship in Law. Investment start date: 9/15/2017 to end date: 4/24/2018. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,500,000.00402017-08-22Education/Education policy and administrative management to expand and modernize the Evans School’s learning environment so that future public service leaders are best equipped to tackle the world’s most challenging public problems.; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation5,000.003342017-08-03Education/Higher education to provide for general operating support. 2017 UW Evans School Fellowship Dinner. Investment start date: 8/3/2017 to end date: 8/25/2017. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,653,361.00542017-07-26Global health/infectious disease control to create globally-comparable estimates of the burden of AMR/DRI for bacteria-antibacterial drug combinations that currently pose the greatest threat to public health, and to provide estimates in an interactive visualization platform to track changes over; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation4,600,301.00222017-07-26Global health/Health policy and administrative management to support a leadership and management program to build the capacity of emerging public health leaders in governments throughout the developing world; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-20,300.013772017-07-03Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to develop the optimal techniques for cryopreservation of human mucosal tissues for use in assessing HIV vaccines and microbicides.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-4,267.443742017-06-28Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS To conduct a landscape analysis of continuing professional development in South Africa, Malawi and Tanzania towards improving HIV/TB care and delivery.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Knight Foundation50,000.002932017-06-22Journalism, Technology Grant period: 06/19/2017 - 06/19/2017; part of the challenge: Knight Prototype Fund: Arts and Technology; goal: Our intent is to develop a curriculum and set of tools for combatting misinformation and fake news—with a particular emphasis on data, figures, visualizations and statistics.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,206,616.48742017-06-20Nutrition/basic nutrition to model the impact of maternal, newborn and child health intervention packages on under-5 mortality rates in the Sustainable Development Goals era; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,342,255.52442017-06-20Global health/basic health care to model the impact of maternal, newborn and child health intervention packages on under-5 mortality rates in the Sustainable Development Goals era; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500.003462017-06-19Global health/Health policy and administrative management to provide for general operating support. IHME Grantee Site Visit 5/4/2017. Investment start date: 6/19/2017 to end date: 7/14/2017. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Hewlett Foundation1,000,000.00862017-06-12Education For Development Of Real-time Learning Interventions That Promote Student Intrapersonal Competencies.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation68,648.002772017-05-18Global health/Tuberculosis control to evaluate oral swab analysis as a novel alternative to sputum analysis for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,417,594.00292017-05-17Global health/infectious disease control to determine if an approved drug product for another indication will demonstrate efficacy in humans to treat diarrhea caused by Cryptospordidium; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation79,827.002712017-04-27Global health/Health policy and administrative management to promote evidence-based decision-making and to build the skills capacity necessary for effectively assessing policy choices to maximize benefit; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,500,000.00552017-04-24Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to determine whether community-based ART delivery is more effective, safe, acceptable, and cost-effective than clinic ART delivery; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation15,000,000.0062017-04-21Education/Higher education to increase the number of students who receive an exceptional education in Computer Science & Engineering, thereby preparing them for leadership roles in all sectors of society; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432017-04-17Family planning to develop better family planning methods for women and adolescents in Kenya by conducting an automated SMS-based survey to analyze contraceptive use, reasons for discontinuation, and experience with side effects over a 6-month period; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation225,000.001962017-03-09Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,500.003432017-03-03Social Protection to provide for general operating support. 2017 UW Women's Center Women of Courage: Gala Event. Investment start date: 3/3/2017 to end date: 3/31/2017. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation5,000.003342017-02-21Education/Higher education to provide for general operating support. School of Social Work 2017 Scholarship Breakfast. Investment start date: 2/21/2017 to end date: 3/17/2017. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-706.513622017-01-25Global health/infectious disease control to improve knowledge about the full health burden attributable to diarrheal diseases, so public health organizations can select priority programs and interventions to maximize public health impact; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-818.023642017-01-04Education/Higher education to support a UW Research Assistantship. UW Research Assistantship. Investment start date: 4/4/2011 to end date: 9/15/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Arnold Ventures590,676.001222017Evidence-Based Policy To fund a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a joint hospital/community-based violence intervention program in Seattle, Washington. Affected states: Washington.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation300,000.001682016-12-08Arts and Cultural Heritage Program name: Arts and Cultural Heritage.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation150,000.002222016-12-02Global health/Tuberculosis control to measure how butyrate- and niacin-related molecules activate macrophages and control TB growth; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,055,345.00472016-11-29Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to evaluate targeted delivery and optimize uptake and sustained use of antiretroviral-based prevention strategies; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-583,249.003832016-11-29Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to conduct a placebo-controlled proof-of-concept phase III trial of the safety and efficacy of TDF and FTC/TDF in reducing HIV acquisition among HIV-negative partners within heterosexual HIV-discordant couples; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,000,000.00482016-11-28Global health/Tuberculosis control to discover novel pathways of host defense against Mtb that will impact development of vaccines and host-directed therapies for tuberculosis; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,100,000.00302016-11-28Global health/malaria to support the Malaria Modeling Consortium and epidemiological modeling work towards the eradication of malaria; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation149,998.002302016-11-16Global health/basic health care to improve the fact base available to donors and implementing partners operating in the health sector in Yemen; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: Yemen.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation732,492.001072016-11-10Global health/Health policy and administrative management to promote evidence-based decision-making and to build the skills capacity necessary for effectively assessing policy choices to maximize benefit; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation7,986,372.00142016-11-04Global health/infectious disease control to support structure based immunogen design for next-generation vaccines. Structure based immunogen design I: Institute for Protein Design. Investment start date: 11/4/2016 to end date: 10/31/2023. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation568,175.001242016-10-31Global health/Health policy and administrative management to design and plan a professional development program for emerging public health leaders in governments throughout the developing world; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-437,218.003822016-10-30Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to conduct a placebo-controlled proof-of-concept phase III trial of the safety and efficacy of TDF and FTC/TDF in reducing HIV acquisition among HIV-negative partners within heterosexual HIV-discordant couples; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation239,817.001952016-10-27Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to test the Nearest Neighbor immunogen hypothesis and could lead to significantly improved next generation HIV-1 Env vaccine candidates; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432016-10-18Global health/infectious disease control to evaluate drug candidates for treating Cryptosporidium infections, which can cause severe diarrhea in young children from developing countries, by developing a cell model of the intestinal wall for measuring localized drug activity; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,250,000.00682016-10-17Information and communication technology (ICT) to provide general operating support. General Operating Support. Investment start date: 10/17/2016 to end date: 11/30/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Africa.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,250,000.00682016-10-17Culture and recreation to provide general operating support. General Operating Support. Investment start date: 10/17/2016 to end date: 11/30/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Africa.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation210,000,000.0012016-10-14Global health/Health policy and administrative management to support a capital campaign. Population Health Sciences Hub. Investment start date: 10/14/2016 to end date: 7/31/2021. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,911,361.00262016-10-13Global health/Health policy and administrative management to support the University of Washington in providing research and analytic support to global and public health organizations; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500.003462016-10-12Education/Higher education to provide for general operating support. Starting Gates October 2016. Investment start date: 10/12/2016 to end date: 11/18/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation158,567.002202016-09-16Global health/infectious disease control to stimulate the development of a new therapeutic for cryptosporidium. Screening an antiparasitic focus library for Cryptosporidium. Investment start date: 9/16/2016 to end date: 12/31/2018. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation175,000.002122016-09-15Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation5,000.003342016-08-17Education/Education policy and administrative management to provide for general operating support. 2016 Evans School Fellowship Dinner Sponsorship. Investment start date: 8/17/2016 to end date: 9/16/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-223.413552016-08-09Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to inform research, donor, and government programming related to agricultural productivity in Africa to improve livelihoods and help lift people out of poverty in South Saharan Africa; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation685,304.001102016-08-08Global health/basic health care to generate estimates for stunting, wasting, and underweight, prematurity, and small for gestational age; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation72,459.002752016-07-18Global health/Health policy and administrative management to design and plan a professional development program for emerging public health leaders in governments throughout the developing world; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation6,450,000.00202016-06-30Education/Education policy and administrative management to support a work-study scholarship endowment. University of Washington Achievement Scholars, Endowment Grant. Investment start date: 6/30/2016 to end date: 9/30/2025. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation50,000.002932016-06-30Education/Education policy and administrative management to support a work-study scholarship program. University of Washington Achievement Scholars, Light Touch Grant. Investment start date: 6/30/2016 to end date: 7/31/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation494,253.001392016-06-17Global health/Health policy and administrative management to explore innovative and cost-effective ways to regularly capture tobacco use and attitudinal data in Africa; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Africa.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation300,000.001682016-06-10Education/Education policy and administrative management to support the Bill Henningsgaard Brain Studio at the Institute of Learning & Brain Sciences; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation7,959,141.50152016-06-08Information and communication technology (ICT) to support the transformation of public libraries worldwide through research and innovation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation7,959,141.50152016-06-08Culture and recreation to support the transformation of public libraries worldwide through research and innovation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation5,628,811.00212016-06-08Global health/infectious disease control to expand the evidence base for effective policymaking in health by substantially improving the spatial and temporal resolution at which we can map, and therefore track, major global health challenges, including the major causes of under-5 mortality; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation630,037.001172016-06-01-- Purpose: Enhance the quality of Yucatan, Mexico’s, health statistics regarding childhood mortality and cause of death and identify strategies to improve the Mexican health system and access to quality health services for indigenous mothers and children; Grant period: 2016-06-01 to 2017-11-30. Affected countries: Mexico|United States; affected states: Yucatán|Washington.
Wellcome Trust55,660.002872016-05-31FIXME Open Science Prize. Affected regions: International; affected countries: United States.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,562.003452016-05-24Education/Higher education to support a UW Research Assistantship. UW Research Assistantship. Investment start date: 4/4/2011 to end date: 9/15/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-50,159.073792016-05-19Global health/basic health infrastructure to provide decision-makers with the best possible information about which health facilities are providing the highest quality, most efficient and lowest cost antiretroviral care, and what facility-specific programs or characteristics have allowed them to ; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: Uganda|Zambia.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation260,759.001822016-05-10Global health/Tuberculosis control to develop new tools to detect and manage tuberculosis. Acoustic Cough Monitor for TB. Investment start date: 5/10/2016 to end date: 12/31/2019. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation250,000.001872016-05-10Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS To conduct a landscape analysis of continuing professional development in South Africa, Malawi and Tanzania towards improving HIV/TB care and delivery.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-6,226.783762016-05-04Global health/malaria to standardize a method to measure Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) parasite number and validate for use in place of slide microscopy; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432016-04-22Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to better treat HIV patients in resource-poor settings by developing a simple digital assay to determine viral load without needing complicated blood sample preparation or expensive equipment; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation64,607.002822016-04-14Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to critically review and reimagine HIV prevention in young African women through identifying gaps in knowledge, reinvisioning better approaches to HIV prevention product development and roll-out, and prioritizing actionable steps for research and implemen; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-5,999.083752016-03-30Global health/infectious disease control to build consensus among the world’s immunization costing experts on how best to systematically improve immunization service delivery costs for by donors, national governments, and multilateral agencies to advance vaccine development and health policies a; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,015,124.00852016-03-09Global health/Tuberculosis control to evaluate oral swab analysis as a novel alternative to sputum analysis for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-820.443652016-02-29Nutrition/basic nutrition to improve childhood growth and development by testing whether the gut microbial communities in co-residing animal and human members of smallholder households are linked, and if this can be exploited to improve health.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,437,500.00612016-02-29Education/Higher education to build capacity within the University of Washington Information School by linking Library & Information Science education more directly with leading practice in the public library field to ensure a vibrant future for public libraries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500.003462016-02-10Education/Higher education to provide for general operating support. Starting Gates February 2016. Investment start date: 2/10/2016 to end date: 3/1/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation5,000.003342016-02-03Education/Education policy and administrative management to provide for general operating support. 2016 School of Social Work’s Breakfast. Investment start date: 2/3/2016 to end date: 2/26/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Arnold Ventures386,173.001572016Evidence-Based Policy To develop an implementation plan for the Applied Public Policy Lab. Affected states: Washington.
Arnold Ventures450,771.001422016Evidence-Based Policy To study a program that pairs post-release offenders in Washington state with medical professionals. Affected states: Washington.
MacArthur Foundation250,000.001872016FIXME in support of the Tech Policy Lab's research aimed at advancing privacy and security. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington; affected cities: Seattle.
Sloan Foundation1,100,000.00792016Digital Technology/Data & Computational Research Grant investigator: Ed Lazowska; to advance data-intensive scientific discovery, empowering researchers to be vastly more effective by utilizing new methods, new tools, new partnerships, and new career paths.
Sloan Foundation124,370.002372016Digital Technology/Scholarly Communication Grant investigator: Jevin West; to develop up-to-date pricing and quality metrics that enable researchers to better compare Open Access journals to other Open Access and non-Open Access journals.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation750,000.001032015-12-10Arts and Cultural Heritage Program name: Arts and Cultural Heritage.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation682,000.001112015-12-10Scholarly Communications Program name: Scholarly Communications.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,000.003422015-12-03Education/Education facilities and training to support the University of Washington Marching Band. UW Marching Band. Investment start date: 12/3/2015 to end date: 12/31/2015. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Hewlett Foundation70,000.002762015-12-01Science and Technology/Cyber For Fund Development And Strategic Communications For The Tech Policy Lab.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation26,000.003162015-11-25Education/Education policy and administrative management to support a work-study scholarship program. University of Washington Achievement Scholars, Programmatic Grant. Investment start date: 11/25/2015 to end date: 12/31/2015. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,297,453.00652015-11-23Global health/malaria to correctly identify infected individuals with low parasite densities who contribute to transmission and to improve the conduct of malaria clinical trials; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation499,692.001352015-11-17Family planning to inform programmatic action through the development of a research program that scientifically justifies and empirically evaluates a model for fertility transitions and a role for family planning behavioral change; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation733,736.001062015-11-16Global health/malaria to evaluate novel formulations of primaquine for the treatment of P. vivax malaria; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Hewlett Foundation500,000.001292015-11-16Science and Technology/Cyber For Support Of The Tech Policy Lab.
Hewlett Foundation500,000.001292015-11-16Science and Technology/Cyber For Support Of The Tech Policy Lab.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,728,380.00522015-11-13Financial policy and administrative management to create a research and development conduit for high quality research of technology in the digital financial services market and development of technology tools and applications for addressing pain points in the digital financial services landscape; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South & Central Asia|South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,631,441.50372015-11-10Global health/Tuberculosis control to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of HIV and TB programs by launching a cost consortium and publically-accessible database that seeks to improve the scope, quality, transparency, and use of cost information; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified|South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,631,441.50372015-11-10Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of HIV and TB programs by launching a cost consortium and publically-accessible database that seeks to improve the scope, quality, transparency, and use of cost information; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified|South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-3,155,574.003842015-10-21Global health/basic health infrastructure to provide decision-makers with the best possible information about which health facilities are providing the highest quality, most efficient and lowest cost antiretroviral care, and what facility-specific programs or characteristics have allowed them to ; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: Uganda|Zambia.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation10,000,000.00102015-10-21Scientific research/scientific institutions to support an institute dedicated to educating students, faculty, professionals, and entrepreneurs from around the world to collaborate on real-world technology and design projects; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation6,987,121.00182015-10-14Global health/infectious disease control to develop an online tool for public access to compare data regarding the relative costs, efficacy, and impact of diarrhea prevention and treatment measures; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation29,054,990.0052015-10-14Global health/infectious disease control to expand the evidence base for effective policymaking in health by substantially improving the spatial and temporal resolution at which we can map, and therefore track, major global health challenges, including the major causes of under-5 mortality; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation120,000.002382015-09-30Global health/Tuberculosis control to understand how humans resist infection with MTB, which could lead to insights into mechanisms of immunity as well as the development of novel vaccine and immunomodulatory treatment strategies; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500.003462015-09-30Education/Higher education To provide for general operating support. Starting Gates 6/3/2015. Investment start date: 9/30/2015 to end date: 10/29/2015. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-542.623592015-09-22Global health/infectious disease control to help better monitor human welfare and predict changes by integrating data on animal health and its determinants, such as environmental factors, to generate an enhanced human health metric; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Future of Life Institute200,000.002032015-09-01AI safety A project grant. Project title: Daniel Weld.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation600,000.001192015-08-26Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to support an open access, digital data capture platform for the benefit of the international development community; Aid type: Other technical assistance. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation4,580,000.00232015-08-21Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to develop and disseminate research responding to emerging questions, issues, and trends facing the development sector on agriculture, policy, and financial services for the poor as well as issues of gender, adoption, and measurement; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified|South of Sahara|South & Central Asia.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,500.003432015-08-21Education/Education policy and administrative management to provide general operating support. 2015 Evans School Fellowship Dinner. Investment start date: 8/21/2015 to end date: 9/18/2015. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,000,000.00312015-08-17Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to determine whether community-based ART delivery is more effective, safe, acceptable, and cost-effective than clinic ART delivery; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation45,741.003042015-08-13Global health/infectious disease control to build consensus among the world’s immunization costing experts on how best to systematically improve immunization service delivery costs for by donors, national governments, and multilateral agencies to advance vaccine development and health policies a; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation75,537.002732015-07-13Agriculture/agricultural policy and administrative management to inform research, donor, and government programming related to agricultural productivity in Africa to improve livelihoods and help lift people out of poverty in South Saharan Africa; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation96,906.002632015-06-22Global health/infectious disease control to complete a study and publication on the evidence for the currently used definition of diarrhea, as well as systematic reviews related to dehydration and Shigella indications; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,157,949.00452015-05-14Global health/Health policy and administrative management to promote evidence-based decision-making and to build the skills capacity necessary for effectively assessing policy choices to maximize benefit; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation380,288.501582015-05-11Culture and recreation to bring together much of the data and knowledge gained over the past 20 years in the public library field for easy access to those working in the field; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation380,288.501582015-05-11Information and communication technology (ICT) to bring together much of the data and knowledge gained over the past 20 years in the public library field for easy access to those working in the field; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation996,727.00942015-05-04Global health/infectious disease control to provide information on the structure and conformational dynamics of antigens that may lead to improved vaccine designs by illuminating the structural properties that correlate with antigenicity and potentially immunogenicity; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-797.243632015-05-01Global health/infectious disease control to develop a multi-institutional consortium and research platform that will conduct clinical trials of new potential therapeutics and interventions to treat/prevent environmental enteric dysfunction and childhood stunting in high-prevalence settings; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation1,669,052.00532015-05-01-- Purpose: Transform the field of family engagement towards equity in education by catalyzing a coordinated national research agenda and set of measures; Grant period: 2015-05-01 to 2019-04-30. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation77,878.002722015-04-28Global health/infectious disease control to characterize population genetics of Cryptosporidium in children with acute diarrhea and their accompanying caregivers and use molecular techniques to characterize caregiver to child transmission; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-1,443.823702015-04-17Nutrition/basic nutrition to develop a common analytic tool/assays to measure/assess multiple micronutrient levels in humans; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation145,057.302322015-03-30Information and communication technology (ICT) to provide general operating support to the University of Washington's iSchool, TASCHA program; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation145,057.302322015-03-30Culture and recreation to provide general operating support to the University of Washington's iSchool, TASCHA program; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,061,413.00822015-03-23Global health/infectious disease control to improve mortality and morbidity by providing cryptosporidium burden estimates through data generated from major studies in combination with systematic literature reviews for the most up-to-date series of data on cryptosporidium; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation190,600.002112015-03-12Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation10,000.003272015-01-28Education/Education policy and administrative management to provide for general operating support. 2015 Scholarship Breakfast. Investment start date: 1/28/2015 to end date: 2/19/2015. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation499,676.001362015-01-22Global health/infectious disease control to improve knowledge about the burden attributable to specific diarrheal agents to inform priority programs and interventions to maximize health and long-term outcomes for at-risk children and adults in developing countries around the world; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Arnold Ventures2,641,118.00362015Evidence-Based Policy To evaluate the impact of higher minimum wage ordinances in Chicago, Illinois and Seattle, Washington. Affected states: Washington.
Arnold Ventures3,941,740.00252015Criminal justice reform To research how courts across the United States impose fines and fees. Affected states: Washington.
Arnold Ventures2,500,000.00402015Education To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education. Affected states: Washington.
Google.org717,728.001092015Disabiliy assistance/information about location and availability of assistive technology Grant to lead a partnership between its Center for Technology and Disability Studies, the Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD), and the African Network for Evidence-to-Action on Disability (AfriNEAD) to improve people with disabilities’ access to information about the location and availability of assistive technology in Sub-Saharan Africa. Affected countries: South Africa.
Sloan Foundation19,975.003222015Digital Technology/Data & Computational Research Grant investigator: Daniela Rosner; to support a workshop on the repair and maintenance of technological systems from a historical and sociological perspective.
Sloan Foundation36,500.003112015Digital Technology/Data & Computational Research Grant investigator: Kevin Wood; to support the incorporation of Optical Character Recognition tools into a citizen science data transcription platform.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation750,000.001032014-12-04Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation139,488.002342014-11-19Global health/malaria to standardize a method to measure Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) parasite number and validate for use in place of slide microscopy; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,697,432.00352014-11-18Global health/infectious disease control to design, produce, characterize and assess the immunogenicity of nanoparticles of multiple, specific symmetries that present the prefusion forms of human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) F and human metapneumonia virus (hMPV) F, to potentially generate; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation262,115.001802014-11-17Global health/infectious disease control to characterize population genetics of Cryptosporidium in children with acute diarrhea and their accompanying caregivers and use molecular techniques to characterize caregiver to child transmission; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation4,301,853.00242014-11-12Global health/basic health infrastructure to provide decision-makers with the best possible information about which health facilities are providing the highest quality, most efficient and lowest cost antiretroviral care, and what facility-specific programs or characteristics have allowed them to ; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: Uganda|Zambia.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation7,463,791.00172014-11-07Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to test the Nearest Neighbor immunogen hypothesis and could lead to significantly improved next generation HIV-1 Env vaccine candidates; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,358,606.00432014-11-07Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to test computational design and experimental approaches that could lead to significantly improved next generation vaccine candidates for human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV); Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,991,719.00512014-11-06Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to support research into products which provide both contraception and HIV prevention to women; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara|South & Central Asia.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,075,082.64802014-10-21Global health/malaria to develop a platform that will iteratively and continually model the spatial distributions of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax), dengue and polio; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara|Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,149,520.36462014-10-21Global health/infectious disease control to develop a platform that will iteratively and continually model the spatial distributions of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax), dengue and polio; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara|Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation438,628.001452014-10-16Information and communication technology (ICT) to continue broad dissemination and technical support in using an online survey to help local libraries identify the impact of their public access computers; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the)|Canada.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432014-10-16Global health/basic health care to enable simple and low-cost measurement of brain maturation in children in developing countries by developing a non-localized magnetic resonance imaging method to measure brain myelin content; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation956,049.00972014-10-01Global health/Tuberculosis control to understand how humans resist infection with MTB, which could lead to insights into mechanisms of immunity as well as the development of novel vaccine and immunomodulatory treatment strategies; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation259,080.001852014-09-29Global health/infectious disease control to improve knowledge about the full health burden attributable to diarrheal diseases, so public health organizations can select priority programs and interventions to maximize public health impact; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation503,895.001282014-09-15Education/Education policy and administrative management to support planning and establishment of The Center for Strategic Analysis, Research and Training (START); Aid type: Other technical assistance. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,628,356.00392014-09-01Global health/malaria to develop models and theory to support large-scale regional planning and for staging sustainable malaria elimination. We will analyze maps describing malaria transmission and human movement to identify regions of the world where malaria elimination could; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation349,996.001642014-08-08Culture and recreation to operate, in collaboration with partners in Myanmar, a fellows program to develop the capacity of emerging leaders in information strategies, establish a Myanmar Information Lab, implement strategic information initiatives around peacebuilding and elect; Aid type: Other technical assistance. Affected countries: Myanmar.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500,000.001292014-06-30Education/Education policy and administrative management for endowment support. Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center Endowed Award. Investment start date: 6/30/2014 to end date: 4/28/2015. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500.003462014-05-29Education/Education policy and administrative management for general operating support. Starting Gates 5/7/14. Investment start date: 5/29/2014 to end date: 6/5/2014. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500.003462014-01-23Education/Education policy and administrative management for general operating support. Starting Gates 1/8/14. Investment start date: 1/16/2014 to end date: 2/6/2014. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Arnold Ventures437,475.001472014Criminal justice reform To evaluate the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program in Seattle, Washington. Affected states: Washington.
MacArthur Foundation300,000.001682014FIXME To design a sustainable business plan for Conservation Magazine (over three years). Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington; affected cities: Seattle.
Sloan Foundation45,987.003032014Higher Education/Education and Professional Advancement for Underrepresented Groups Grant investigator: Sapna Cheryan; initiative: Professional Advancement of Underrepresented Groups; to write a review paper that identifies the reasons for women's underrepresentation in computing and provides recommendations for the most promising ways to remedy this underrepresentation.
Barr Foundation225,000.001962013-12-04FIXME To evaluate the Pharmacy Assistant Program in Malawi.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation5,000.003342013-11-27Education/Education policy and administrative management for general operating support. UW School of Social Work Student Scholarship Breakfast. Investment start date: 11/27/2013 to end date: 12/13/2013. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,000,000.00862013-11-22Education/Education policy and administrative management to establish the William H. Gates Public Service Law Scholarship Program. William H. Gates Public Service Law Scholarship Program at the UW School of Law. Investment start date: 12/5/2005 to end date: 12/31/2024. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,489,928.00602013-11-13Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to develop the optimal techniques for cryopreservation of human mucosal tissues for use in assessing HIV vaccines and microbicides.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,150,100.00762013-11-13Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to critically review and reimagine HIV prevention in young African women through identifying gaps in knowledge, reinvisioning better approaches to HIV prevention product development and roll-out, and prioritizing actionable steps for research and implemen; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,400,000.00622013-11-12Education/Education policy and administrative management to support the UW's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences' Developing Mind Project; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation296,105.001772013-11-07Education/Education policy and administrative management to support planning and establishment of The Center for Strategic Analysis, Research and Training (START); Aid type: Other technical assistance. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432013-10-23Nutrition/basic nutrition to improve childhood growth and development by testing whether the gut microbial communities in co-residing animal and human members of smallholder households are linked, and if this can be exploited to improve health.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation508,770.731272013-10-22Global health/malaria to develop a platform that will iteratively and continually model the spatial distributions of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax), dengue and polio; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara|Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,017,236.27842013-10-22Global health/infectious disease control to develop a platform that will iteratively and continually model the spatial distributions of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax), dengue and polio; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara|Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-1,287.083662013-10-14Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to facilitate a multi-site study in Africa to assess the efficacy of acyclovir treatment on the transmission of HIV; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432013-10-09Global health/infectious disease control to help better monitor human welfare and predict changes by integrating data on animal health and its determinants, such as environmental factors, to generate an enhanced human health metric; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-1,390.023682013-10-03Population/Population policy and administrative management to develop valid population health metrics for managing interventions. Population Health Metrics Research Consortium Project (IHME). Investment start date: 7/1/2008 to end date: 12/31/2012. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation260,622.001832013-09-30Global health/infectious disease control to develop a multi-institutional consortium and research platform that will conduct clinical trials of new potential therapeutics and interventions to treat/prevent environmental enteric dysfunction and childhood stunting in high-prevalence settings; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation958,049.00962013-09-03Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to develop novel vaccines against HIV, with an approach to modify HIV envelope protein to enhance its immunogenic potency for clinical development; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-1,367.843672013-08-22Education/Education policy and administrative management to support the UW's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences' Developing Mind Project; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-384.243572013-07-17Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to deliver HIV-specific homing endonucleases to latently infected cells, inducing deletions within integrated HIV DNA and rendering the virus harmless; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation12,511,524.0072013-07-01Global health/Medical research to better understand levels and trends of diseases, injuries, and risk factors across the world and link those with expenditures, expanding the evidence base for donors and others to best judge existing challenges and the impact of interventions.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation12,511,524.0072013-07-01Scientific research/scientific institutions to better understand levels and trends of diseases, injuries, and risk factors across the world and link those with expenditures, expanding the evidence base for donors and others to best judge existing challenges and the impact of interventions.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation150,000.002222013-07-01-- Purpose: Increase children’s early school success by supporting a P-3rd Institute provided to select communities for systemic alignment and improvement of early learning conditions; Grant period: 2013-07-01 to 2014-12-31. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,200,000.00752013-05-30Global health/Health policy and administrative management to support a capital campaign. University of Washington School of Public Health New Building Planning. Investment start date: 5/30/2013 to end date: 6/30/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation296,555.001762013-05-17Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to evaluate targeted delivery and optimize uptake and sustained use of antiretroviral-based prevention strategies; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation3,000,000.00312013-05-16Global health/Health policy and administrative management to support capacity building efforts. University of Washington School of Public Health Strategic Faculty Hires. Investment start date: 5/16/2013 to end date: 6/30/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington Foundation; Aid type: Other technical assistance. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-1,926.283712013-03-18Global health/Reproductive health care to develop and test a streamlined, inexpensive ultrasound device with limited functionality, a simplified user interface, and a contextual help system; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500,000.001292013-01-09Information and communication technology (ICT) to provide general operating support to the University of Washington's iSchool, TASCHA program; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500,000.001292013-01-09Culture and recreation to provide general operating support to the University of Washington's iSchool, TASCHA program; Aid type: Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432013-01-09Education/Education policy and administrative management for endowment support. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and ARCS Foundation Endowed Fellowship. Investment start date: 1/9/2013 to end date: 12/31/2017. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Arnold Ventures2,000,000.00482013Education To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education. Affected states: Washington.
Arnold Ventures25,204.003172013Sustainable Public Finance To support the Center for Education Data and Research. Affected states: Washington.
Sloan Foundation1,500,000.00552013Digital Technology/Data & Computational Research Grant investigator: Edward Lazowska; to advance data-intensive scientific discovery through new methods, new tools, new partnerships, and new career paths.
John Templeton Foundation862,500.001002013Character Virtue Development For project Developmental changes and individual differences in fairness concerns and altruistic behavior in infancy and early childhood; Project leaders: Jessica Sommerville. Affected regions: USA; affected countries: FIXME.
Hewlett Foundation428,000.001482012-11-12Education For The Development Of A Next-generation Instructional Evaluation Ecosystem.
Hewlett Foundation428,000.001482012-11-12Education For The Development Of A Next-generation Instructional Evaluation Ecosystem.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation2,999,617.00332012-11-09Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to evaluate targeted delivery and optimize uptake and sustained use of antiretroviral-based prevention strategies; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,127,589.00772012-11-05Information and communication technology (ICT) to continue broad dissemination and technical support in using an online survey to help local libraries identify the impact of their public access computers; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the)|Canada.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432012-10-15Global health/malaria to produce libraries of DNA fragments encoding thousands of peptides from malaria parasite proteins, for use in production and testing of malaria vaccine formulations; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation994,296.00952012-10-03Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to explore the manufacturability and delivery of electrospun fibers as a multi-purpose protection device.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-2,981.043732012-10-02Family planning for conference support. Future of Contraception Meeting Fall 2011 Seattle. Investment start date: 3/7/2011 to end date: 2/29/2012. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation750,000.001032012-09-13Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation1,250,000.00682012-09-13Scholarly Communications Program name: Scholarly Communications.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation817,743.001012012-08-14Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS To undertake facility-level quality assessment of ART programs in Uganda. Understanding the quality and effectiveness of facility-based ART programs: A pilot using viral load measurements as a marker of ART program performance in Uganda. Investment start ; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: Uganda.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-588.493602012-05-14Information and communication technology (ICT) to conduct research to understand obstacles related to public access to information and communication technology in libraries in transitioning countries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-588.493602012-05-14Culture and recreation to conduct research to understand obstacles related to public access to information and communication technology in libraries in transitioning countries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation221,300.001992012-03-15Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-22,893.003782012-01-17Education/Higher education to support an internship program to develop leaders in public access computing in public libraries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
MacArthur Foundation150,000.002222012FIXME To expand Conservation Magazine's distribution and reporting on key environment issues through the development of Conservation Conversations (over three years). Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington; affected cities: Seattle.
Sloan Foundation100,000.002432012Working Longer/ Grant investigator: Cheryl Cameron; winner of the 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions.
Walton Family Foundation99,118.002622012--
Walton Family Foundation124,806.002362012--
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-1,427.543692011-12-07Education/Higher education to support an internship program to develop leaders in public access computing in public libraries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Hewlett Foundation300,000.001682011-11-14Education For Research And Analysis Of The School Improvement Capacity Of Effective State Education Agencies.
Hewlett Foundation300,000.001682011-11-14Education For Research And Analysis Of The School Improvement Capacity Of Effective State Education Agencies.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation9,644,419.00122011-11-10Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to conduct a placebo-controlled proof-of-concept phase III trial of the safety and efficacy of TDF and FTC/TDF in reducing HIV acquisition among HIV-negative partners within heterosexual HIV-discordant couples; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation6,741,350.00192011-11-09Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to develop novel vaccines against HIV, with an approach to modify HIV envelope protein to enhance its immunogenic potency for clinical development; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,073,950.00812011-10-24Nutrition/basic nutrition to develop a common analytic tool/assays to measure/assess multiple micronutrient levels in humans; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation108,295.002412011-06-29Nutrition/basic nutrition to develop a common analytic tool/assays to measure/assess multiple micronutrient levels in humans; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-78.343522011-06-22Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to utilize a class of proteins called homing endonucleases, which have the ability to cut DNA sequences, to target the DNA sequences unique to HIV, thus disabling the virus from making any more copies of itself.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation175,000.002122011-06-03Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation208,156.002022011-04-04Education/Higher education to support a UW Research Assistantship. UW Research Assistantship. Investment start date: 4/4/2011 to end date: 9/15/2016. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,500,000.00552011-04-01Education/Education policy and administrative management to support the UW's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences' Developing Mind Project; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation220,598.002002011-03-07Family planning for conference support. Future of Contraception Meeting Fall 2011 Seattle. Investment start date: 3/7/2011 to end date: 2/29/2012. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Arnold Ventures221,375.001982011Education To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education. Affected states: Washington.
Sloan Foundation671,781.001122011Higher Education/Science of Learning STEM Grant investigator: Suzanne Brainard; to assess improvements resulting from and analyzing data collected by the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering (PACE).
Walton Family Foundation49,560.003022011--
Walton Family Foundation54,590.002902011--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation600,000.001192010-12-09Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation1,257,100.00672010-12-09Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432010-10-05Global health/Reproductive health care to develop and test a streamlined, inexpensive ultrasound device with limited functionality, a simplified user interface, and a contextual help system; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,000,000.00862010-09-17Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to deliver HIV-specific homing endonucleases to latently infected cells, inducing deletions within integrated HIV DNA and rendering the virus harmless; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation54,000.002912010-09-16Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-2,776.333722010-08-11Global health/Health policy and administrative management to convene an international symposium for public health informatics and communications in improving global health and create a Global Public Health Informatics Partnership to address global health informatics challenges; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-114.453542010-08-11Global health/malaria to fight emergence of drug and vaccine resistance in rapidly evolving parasites, by identifing parts of the malaria genome which contribute to rapid increases in mutations, and will screen for small molecules that inhibit these mechanisms; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation172,000.002162010-06-18Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation500,000.001292010-06-17Education/Education policy and administrative management to establish the William H. Gates Public Service Law Scholarship Program. William H. Gates Public Service Law Scholarship Program at the UW School of Law. Investment start date: 12/5/2005 to end date: 12/31/2024. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation611,554.001182010-05-23Population/Population policy and administrative management to develop valid population health metrics for managing interventions. Population Health Metrics Research Consortium Project (IHME). Investment start date: 7/1/2008 to end date: 12/31/2012. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-513.203582010-05-06Global health/Tuberculosis control to evaluate the use of a Mycobacterium marinum (MM)-infected zebrafish embryo model system for the first pass rapid in vivo screening of anti-mycobacterial compounds that have been identified in screens using cultured bacteria; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation15,000.003232010-04-19Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Sloan Foundation6,800.003322010Higher Education/Science of Learning STEM Grant investigator: Suzanne Brainard; to partially fund a meeting of engineering deans who participated in the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering.
Smith Richardson Foundation150,000.002222010--
Smith Richardson Foundation175,000.002122010--
Walton Family Foundation151,083.002212010--
Walton Family Foundation50,000.002932010--
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,992,601.27502009-11-01Global health/malaria to examine the evidence linking the scale-up of malaria control interventions and programs to decline in child mortality and malaria case rates; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation637,997.001162009-10-27Nutrition/basic nutrition to develop a common analytic tool/assays to measure/assess multiple micronutrient levels in humans; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,000,000.00862009-10-01Global health/malaria to support research that is expected to have a direct and immediate impact on how drugs are deployed to help eliminate malaria parasites around the world; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation42,000.003072009-09-24Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Hewlett Foundation200,000.002032009-06-24Education For Fiscal Analyses To Inform States And Districts On Best Uses Of Education Stimulus Funding.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation50,000.002932009-04-24Global health/Medical education/training to support student and trainee experiences in developing countries and reciprocal experiences for foreign students, and interdisciplinary seminars and courses that bring together students and faculty sharing common interests in global health; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation31,900,000.0042009-03-13Global health/Health policy and administrative management to promote evidence-based decision-making and to build the skills capacity necessary for effectively assessing policy choices to maximize benefit; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation249,000.001932009-03-13Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Sloan Foundation31,538.003122009Higher Education/Science of Learning STEM Grant investigator: Suzanne Brainard; to supplement a previous grant for the Project to Access Climate in Engineering to derive maximum benefit from a newly-planned December 2010 meeting in Banff.
Walton Family Foundation150,000.002222009--
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,000,000.00862008-11-24Scientific research/scientific institutions to strengthen institutional capacity and administrative processes of The University of Washington's Center for Information & Society; Aid type: Other technical assistance. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation10,019,132.0092008-11-20Population/Population policy and administrative management to develop valid population health metrics for managing interventions. Population Health Metrics Research Consortium Project (IHME). Investment start date: 7/1/2008 to end date: 12/31/2012. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,308,689.00632008-11-07Global health/Health policy and administrative management to further develop the new instruments and methods to measure cause-specific mortality in populations with incomplete or inadequate cause-of-death coding, as well as to enhance the measurement of incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: Mexico.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation999,717.00932008-10-22Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to address the problem of variability by developing an HIV vaccine based on the most conserved elements of the virus, an approach potentially applicable to other highly variable human pathogens; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432008-10-07Global health/infectious disease control to synthesize nanoparticles consisting of an inorganic adjuvant core surrounded by a three-dimensional antigen shell. The particles will target lymph node dendritic cells that play a key role in initiating immune responses to infectious diseases.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432008-09-25Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to utilize a class of proteins called homing endonucleases, which have the ability to cut DNA sequences, to target the DNA sequences unique to HIV, thus disabling the virus from making any more copies of itself.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation53,000.002922008-09-18Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation55,000.002882008-09-18Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation50,000.002932008-09-18Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432008-09-17Global health/malaria to fight emergence of drug and vaccine resistance in rapidly evolving parasites, by identifing parts of the malaria genome which contribute to rapid increases in mutations, and will screen for small molecules that inhibit these mechanisms; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation100,000.002432008-09-16Global health/Tuberculosis control to study whether infecting these host cells with adenovirus will induce will induce rapid cell death, reducing TB load and blocking the reinfection cycle.; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation8,226,870.22132008-06-30Global health/Medical research to update the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study. GBD - To update the Global Burden of Disease Study (IHME). Investment start date: 4/28/2008 to end date: 10/1/2011. Grantee name: University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,500,000.00552008-06-11Global health/Medical education/training to support student and trainee experiences in developing countries and reciprocal experiences for foreign students, and interdisciplinary seminars and courses that bring together students and faculty sharing common interests in global health; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation443,818.001442008-05-16Global health/Medical education/training to support student and trainee experiences in developing countries and reciprocal experiences for foreign students, and interdisciplinary seminars and courses that bring together students and faculty sharing common interests in global health; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation274,857.001792008-05-13Global health/Tuberculosis control to evaluate the use of a Mycobacterium marinum (MM)-infected zebrafish embryo model system for the first pass rapid in vivo screening of anti-mycobacterial compounds that have been identified in screens using cultured bacteria; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Smith Richardson Foundation60,000.002852008--
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation437,968.001462007-11-14Global health/Health policy and administrative management to promote the safe and effective use of medicines in resource-constrained countries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,000,000.00862007-10-25Information and communication technology (ICT) to conduct research to understand obstacles related to public access to information and communication technology in libraries in transitioning countries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation1,000,000.00862007-10-25Culture and recreation to conduct research to understand obstacles related to public access to information and communication technology in libraries in transitioning countries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation55,000.002882007-10-03Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation39,017.003102007-08-31Global health/Health policy and administrative management to convene an international symposium for public health informatics and communications in improving global health and create a Global Public Health Informatics Partnership to address global health informatics challenges; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation61,223,271.0032007-07-12Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to conduct a placebo-controlled proof-of-concept phase III trial of the safety and efficacy of TDF and FTC/TDF in reducing HIV acquisition among HIV-negative partners within heterosexual HIV-discordant couples; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation550,470.001252007-06-20Global health/infectious disease control to provide information on the potential cost-effectiveness of additional investments in several ongoing, vaccine-improvement initiatives aimed at reducing the global disease burden of measles; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: South of Sahara|South & Central Asia.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation105,228,184.0022007-05-29Global health/Health policy and administrative management to create the Health Metrics and Evaluation Institute at the University of Washington; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
Smith Richardson Foundation60,000.002852007--
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation165,000.002192007--
Walton Family Foundation200,000.002032007--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation100,000.002432006-09-15Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation173,724.002152006-07-10Education/Higher education to support an internship program to develop leaders in public access computing in public libraries; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected countries: United states of america (the).
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation9,990,782.00112006-06-23Global health/STD control including HIV/AIDS to define the qualities of an HIV vaccine that will make it sufficiently immunogenic to elicit protective responses in humans; Aid type: Project-type interventions. Affected regions: Developing countries, unspecified.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation250,000.001872006-01-01-- Purpose: Provide support for a new building to house faculty and students for public health research and education; Grant period: 2006-01-01 to 2008-12-31. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation82,500.002692006--
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation82,500.002692006--
Walton Family Foundation200,000.002032006--
Smith Richardson Foundation30,559.003142005--
Smith Richardson Foundation200,000.002032005--
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation85,000.002672005--
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation85,000.002672005--
Hewlett Foundation100,000.002432004-10-25Population For General Support For The Center For Studies In Demography And Ecology.
Smith Richardson Foundation-318.003562004--
Smith Richardson Foundation149,040.002312004--
Walton Family Foundation250,000.001872004--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation65,000.002802003-12-15Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation290,000.001782003-12-15Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation15,000.003232003-11-21Diversity Program name: Diversity.
Hewlett Foundation50,000.002932003-11-13Education For Preparation Of Two Educational Computer Simulations, Of The Legislative Process And Of Elections, For Widespread, Open Use.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation395,000.001562003-09-19Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation400,000.001522003-06-13Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Smith Richardson Foundation100,000.002432003--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation420,000.001502002-09-20Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation40,000.003082002-09-20Scholarly Communications Program name: Scholarly Communications.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation545,000.001262001-12-17Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation262,000.001812001-12-17Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation300,000.001682001-09-21Diversity Program name: Diversity.
Hewlett Foundation150,000.002222001-04-30Education For The General Education In Research Universities Program.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation400,000.001522001-03-16Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Smith Richardson Foundation67,962.002782001--
Smith Richardson Foundation138,500.002352001--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation110,000.002402000-12-15Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Smith Richardson Foundation30,800.003132000--
Smith Richardson Foundation116,500.002392000--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation65,000.002801999-09-17Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation470,000.001411999-06-18Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation360,000.001631999-03-19Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation310,000.001671999-03-19Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation250,000.001871999-03-19Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Earhart Foundation20,000.003191999--
Smith Richardson Foundation93,500.002641999--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation400,000.001521998-06-08Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation5,000.003341998-06-01-- Purpose: Support the completion of the proceedings that capture the presentations and participants' work group conversations while at the 1997 National Conference on Interprofessional Education and Training; Grant period: 1998-06-01 to 1999-12-31. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation209,000.002011998-03-16Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation20,000.003191998-03-01-- Purpose: Write a textbook on health program evaluation; Grant period: 1998-03-01 to 2000-07-31. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Earhart Foundation7,115.003281998--
Earhart Foundation15,000.003231998--
W. K. Kellogg Foundation5,000.003341998-01-01-- Purpose: Support exemplary graduate students in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine through the Gilbert S. Omenn Graduate Student Award for Academic Excellence; Grant period: 1998-01-01 to 1998-12-31. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation170,000.002171997-12-05Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation5,000.003341997-06-01-- Purpose: Provide planning for the 1997 National Conference on Interprofessional Education and Training; Grant period: 1997-06-01 to 1997-12-31. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation20,000.003191997-03-17Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation495,000.001371997-03-17Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Earhart Foundation7,114.003291997--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation50,000.002931996-12-06Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation380,000.001601996-03-18Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation650,000.001131996-03-18Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Earhart Foundation7,113.003301996--
Earhart Foundation7,113.003301996--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation400,000.001521995-10-27Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation12,000.003261995-08-01-- Purpose: Foster institutional change to redirect health professions higher education; encourage multidisciplinary approaches to meeting the health needs of people; Grant period: 1995-08-01 to 1996-07-31. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Earhart Foundation5,132.003331995--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation50,000.002931994-12-12Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation495,000.001371994-03-25Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation90,000.002651994-03-25Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation600,000.001191993-03-15Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation370,000.001611992-06-08Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation330,000.001661992-06-08Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation300,000.001681990-12-10Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation300,000.001681990-03-30Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation340,000.001651989-10-03Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
John M. Olin Foundation67,917.002791989--
John M. Olin Foundation25,000.003181989--
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation45,000.003051989--
John M. Olin Foundation63,290.002831988--
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation106,113.002421988--
John M. Olin Foundation45,000.003051987--
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation260,000.001841986-06-05Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation650,000.001131986-03-27Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation170,000.002171984-03-14Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation1,496,082.00591983-11-01-- Purpose: Improve the delivery of health care provided by rural hospitals in the states of Washington, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho; Grant period: 1983-11-01 to 1994-06-30. Affected countries: United States; affected states: Washington.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation200,000.002031983-10-05Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation75,000.002741982-10-06Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation150,000.002221982-10-06Past Programs Program name: Past Programs.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation88,000.002661980-06-18Other Program name: Other.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation250,000.001871977-03-30Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation30,000.003151975-12-18Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation150,000.002221973-12-12Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation40,000.003081972-09-19Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities Program name: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities.